Each year we present the INCE-USA Professional Exam for those individuals who wish to become INCE Board Certified and have had their application approved by the INCE-USA Certification Board (CB). This year’s exam will be held on June 8th, 2025, at the aforementioned Noise-Con 2025 conference. To ensure adequate time for the CB to review and approve applications, and for the approved candidates to prepare for the exam, we are asking that all applications be received by February 24, 2025. The INCE Bd. Cert. application form and additional information about required experience, education, and professional references as well as a professional exam study guide can be found here. E-mail: vp_board_cert@inceusa.org with any questions.
Both student and professional Noise Control Engineering awards will be available at the upcoming NOISE-CON 2025. Student awards include Student Paper Competition, "Classic Papers in Noise Control Engineering" Competition, Leo Beranek Student Medal for Excellence in Noise Control, Martin Hirschorn IAC Prize – Graduate Student Project Award and INCE-USA Travel Awards. Professional awards being offered this year include the Nancy Timmerman Members’ Choice Award and the George C. Maling Excellence in Noise Control Engineering. Follow the link for more information and application/nomination information. Deadlines are fast approaching!
Both student and professional Noise Control Engineering awards will be available at the upcoming NOISE-CON 2024. Student awards include Student Paper Competition, "Classic Papers in Noise Control Engineering" Competition, and INCE-USA Travel Awards. Professional awards being offered this year include the Nancy Timmerman Members’ Choice Award, the George C. Maling Excellence in Noise Control Engineering, the William W. Lang Award for the Distinguished Noise Control Engineer and the Laymon N. Miller Award for Excellence in Acoustical Consulting. Follow the link for more information and application/nomination information. Deadlines are fast approaching!
The Technology for a Quieter America (TQA) Virtual workshop - Noise Around Airports: A Global Perspective was organized by the INCE Foundation and was hosted by International Institute of Noise Control Engineering and The National Academy of Engineering, Washington, DC on 1 to 4 November 2022.
The latest issue of the Noise Control Engineering Journal (NCEJ), Volume 73 Number 1 for January-February 2025 has been released. Take a look!
The latest issue of the Noise Control Engineering Journal (NCEJ), Volume 72 Number 6 for November-December 2024 has been released. Take a look!
The latest issue of the Noise Control Engineering Journal (NCEJ), Volume 72 Number 5 for September-October 2024 has been released. Take a look!
The latest issue of the Noise Control Engineering Journal (NCEJ), Volume 72 Number 4 for July-August 2024 has been released. Take a look!
In talking with Andy, I was struck by how much he cares about how sound and noise affect all people, including the minority who might be considered outliers in their sensitivity to noise.
As problem-solvers, we often want to use mathematics to explain our solutions; however, numbers are not always the answer. At the end of the day, creating a peaceful environment experientially and physically is the ultimate goal.
There are similarities between a well-oiled machine and a well-oiled institute: creating efficiencies in the physical designs, collaborations in past and present research, and proper maintenance.
With his MIDI keyboard and INCE 2022 student scholarship in hand, Sam Underwood is out to change the world of acoustical engineering.