Martin Hirschorn / IAC Prize (Graduate Student Project) is funded with the income from a $100,000 gift given in 1999 by the New York Community Trust, Martin Hirschorn IAC Fund. The prize is awarded in odd-numbered years, " a contribution to the education of a graduate student studying noise control engineering in the United States of America, who proposes a project related to an application of noise control engineering and/or the acoustical conditioning of architectural spaces."
The Martin Hirschorn / IAC Prize (Graduate Student Project) is awarded every other year on odd-numbered years. The Prize will next be offered in 2025.
Award Recipients
- 2023: Samuel Underwood, University of Nebraska
For his work in “Predicting noise in restaurants via hybrid simulation
- 2021: Sunit Girdhar, Michigan Technological University
Low-frequency measurement for ASTM Impact Sound Rating (ISR) for floor-ceiling assemblies in small rooms with non-diffuse fields
- 2019: Kenton Hummel, The University of Nebraska
Transforming Hospital Noise Fluctuation Metrics
- 2017: Dan Hemme, University of Texas at Austin
Characterization of Sound Power Level Spectra Produced by HVAC Chillers with Double Helical Rotary Screw Compressors Under Various Operating Conditions
- 2015: Hyun Hong of the University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Subjective perception of varying reflection density in room impulse responses
- 2013: Zhao (Ellen) Peng, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Investigation of room effects on the comprehension of speech from English-as-a second-language (ESL) talkers and native English-speaking listeners
- 2011: Jie Duan, University of Cincinnati
Development of a Novel Active Sound Quality Control System
- 2009: Selen Okcu, Georgia Institute of Technology
Development of New Acoustic Metrics for Complex Hospital Sound Environments
- 2007: Brent W. Rudd, University of Cincinnati
Noise Reduction for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Patients
- 2005: Jonathan Rathsam, University of Nebraska
Validation and Modeling of Diffraction around Three-dimensional Surfaces using a 3D Boundary Element Method
- 2003: Ferdy Martinus, University of Kentucky
Reconstruction of Acoustic Particle Velocity on an Open-Ended Duct
- 2001: Erica Bowden, University of Nebraska
Investigation of Complex Background Noise Spectra in Normal and Hearing-Impaired Persons
- 1999: Hyeong-seok Kim, Department of Architecture, University of Florida
Study of Community Noise from Cooling Towers and Condensing Units