Ten Conferred Highest Professional Designation for Noise Control Engineering
June 9, 2020
Ten Conferred Highest Professional Designation for Noise Control Engineering - Copy

The Institute of Noise Control Engineering (INCE-USA) has announced that 10 industry acoustical professionals were awarded the highest professional designation for the practice of noise control after meeting all the requirements of  the INCE Board Certification Program.

TQA Report on "Noise Control Engineering Education" session at NOISE-CON 2019 released
March 29, 2020
TQA Report on "Noise Control Engineering Education" session at NOISE-CON 2019 released

Technology for a Quieter America held a special session on education in Noise Control Engineering. The Final Report for that session has been released: Noise Control Engineering Education:  Discussion Session In San Diego At Noise-Con 2019. A complementary Noise Control Engineering education workshop was held at the National Academy of Engineering on 12 and 13 December 2019. That report will be made available through INCE-USA when it is completed.

New TQA Final Report on UAS/UAV (Drone) Noise Released
February 18, 2020
New TQA Final Report on UAS/UAV (Drone) Noise Released

INCE-USA announces the release of the Workshop Final Report, "UAS and UAV (Drone) Noise Emissions and Noise Control Engineering Technology". The report is part of the continuing series of Workshops following from the 2010 Technology for a Quieter America report. The workshop was organized by INCE-USA in cooperation with NASA and the FAA, and hosted by the National Academy of Engineering. Download the complete report in PDF by clicking on the title link.

Next INCE Board Certification examination in August: new study guide available.
March 18, 2019
Next INCE Board Certification examination in August: new study guide available

The next INCE Board Certification Professional Examination will be held on 25 August 2019, in conjuction with NOISE-CON 2019. The deadline for submitting applications is 1 May 2019. A revised and updated Study Guide is now available. As of 2019, although Membership in INCE is recommended, it is no longer required in order to obtain Board Certification in Noise Control Engineering.

Sustaining Members

  • Acentech
  • CT
  • CGA
  • GERB
  • Herrick
  • Hush Soundproofing
  • Illingworth
  • NCE
  • SVI Dynamics Logo small
  • PSU
  • Seti Media
  • Wilson Ihrig