INCE-USA Technical Certificate Program RFP - Responses to Questions Now Available!

INCE-USA Technical Certificate Program RFP - Responses to Questions Now Available!


Responses to all questions are now available in writing here:



Read the original announcement of the RFP below:

INCE-USA is proud to announce the release of a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the development and administration of on-line class / technical training for technicians of acoustic measurements.  These classes will be based around various ASTM International (ASTM), American National Standards Institute (ANSI) or similar standards used for acoustical field testing.  The goal is to educate individuals on the details of the standards using an online, on-demand classes to learn how to perform the standards. One course will focus on sound level measurements for exterior and interior environments; a second course will focus building acoustics standards for assessing airborne and impact sound transmission, and sound decay.


Following the completion of the courses, candidates will have the opportunity to demonstrate competence in the standard through on-line testing.  Once the individual has achieved the technical certificate, they will have to periodically maintain their certificates with classes and exams since the standards are living documents that change over time.


INCE-USA is looking for one or more people or organizations to create these classes and work with the Technician Certification committee to ensure the roll-out of this program goes smoothly.  The compensation is detailed in the RFP. To view and download the RFP, click here or copy & paste this URL to your web browser:


“The creation of this technical certificate program is a natural extension to INCE-USA’s commitment to certification of noise control design engineers.  While the current board certification is designed for engineers who have been professionally trained and have years of experience which is analogous to a PE, this program is geared towards those who do the day to day measurements and may just be starting their careers in Noise Control”, Paul Burge,  INCE-USA Vice President of Board Certification.


“We are all excited by this new initiative and how it will expand the ways that INCE-USA can serve its membership.  We expect these technical certificates to be extremely valuable for noise control consulting firms to demonstrate their mastery of the field and its related standards”,  Michael Bahtiarian, INCE-USA President.


Please contact the INCE-USA Business Office (IBO) with any questions. Please review the RFP and submit official questions about the RFP within the document. We look forward to the submissions by interested bidders!

Sustaining Members

  • Acentech
  • CT
  • CGA
  • GERB
  • Herrick
  • Hush Soundproofing
  • Illingworth
  • NCE
  • SVI Dynamics Logo small
  • PSU
  • Seti Media
  • Wilson Ihrig