The honorary status of INCE-USA Distinguished International Member is conferred by the INCE-USA Board of Directors upon eminent individuals residing outside of the USA who have made extraordinarily significant contributions to the theory and/or practice of Noise Control Engineering.
Nominations for Distinguished International Member are submitted by a committee of peers who are active in Noise Control Engineering within the country of the proposed nominee.
INCE-USA Distinguished International Members are entitled to use the abbreviation "INCE Dist. Intn'l. Mem." following their names in professional correspondence, on calling cards and in curriculum vitae.
Louis Challis (deceased)
Fergus Fricke
Colin Hansen
Leonard Koss
Judith Lang
Samir N. Y. Gerges
Jean-Pierre Clairbois
Gerrit Vermeir
Gilles Daigle
Christian Giguere
Tony Embleton (deceased)
Michael Stinson
Josef Novák (deceased)
Birger Plovsing
Kari Pesonen
Michael Bockhoff (deceased)
Daniel Commins
Jean Mattei
Jean Tourret
Hugo Fastl
Klaus Genuit
Ulrich J. Kurze (deceased)
Joachim Scheuren
Werner Schirmer
Brigitte Schulte-Fortkamp
Andras Kotschy
M. Munjal
Zyun Iti Maekawa
Seiichiro Namba
Toshio Sone
Jorge Patrício
Yang-Hann Kim
Vyacheslav Maslov
Chiak Hwee Lim
Tor Kihlman
Conny Larsson
Sten Ljunggren
Nils-Åke Nilsson
Juha Plunt
Ulf Sandberg
Jan Granneman
Tjeert ten Wolde
Truls Gjestland
Adnan Akay
Jeremy Astley
Bernard Berry
Frank Fahy (deceased)
John Fowcs-Williams
Barry Marshall Gibbs
Hugh Jones
H. Leventhall
A. Middleton (deceased)
Philip Nelson