Membership Requirements

What are the requirements to be an INCE-USA Member?

Successful applicants for INCE-USA Member must meet the following criteria:

  1. Be enrolled as an INCE-USA Associate or Student Associate. If you haven't already enrolled as an Associate, your application for membership will automatically enroll you as an Associate while your credentials are under review;
  2. **Have earned a baccalaureate (or equivalent four-year academic degree) or higher degree from a qualified program in engineering, physical science, or architecture offered by an accredited university or college;
    Have had at least one singly authored paper or two first-author papers published (or accepted for publication) in the Noise Control Engineering Journal (NCEJ);
  3. **Have achieved a grade of “B” or better in, or instructed, at least one full-semester course (3 or more credit hours) devoted to the physical principles of acoustics, offered by an accredited university or college;
    Have demonstrated at least five years experience in Noise Control Engineering, involving professional practice, research, teaching, or any combination thereof;
  4. Have your application for membership endorsed by an INCE-USA Member in good standing.

**In lieu of requirements (2) and (3) above, you can sit for the INCE Fundamentals Examination. If you attain a satisfactory grade on the examination, that will be considered sufficient for election to membership.


What are the requirements to be an INCE-USA Associate?

Associate status is available to anyone interested in Noise Control Engineering.


What are the requirements to be an INCE-USA Student Associate?

Student Associate status is available to anyone interested in Noise Control Engineering and is a full-time student enrolled in engineering, physics or architecture at a college or university having at least one ABET- or ACSA-accredited program


What is the INCE Fundamentals Examination and how do I apply to take it?

INCE-USA offers a Fundamentals Examination which may be used in partial fulfillment of the requirements for membership. The Examination is optional, but encouraged in cases where an applicant does not meet certain requirements for INCE-USA Membership.

Click here to download the Fundamentals Exam Application Form.

Benefits of Membership


If you are active in the fields of Noise Control Engineering, Architectural Acoustics, Sound and Vibration, Environmental Noise, Product Noise Control, or NVH, consider joining the Institute of Noise Control Engineering INCE-USA.

INCE-USA has supported those working in noise control since 1971. As the only professional society devoted solely to Noise Control Engineering, INCE-USA provides a unique forum for technical exchange, networking, and professional growth. INCE-USA provides a wide range of services to its nearly 1,000 Members and Associates.


What are the benefits of becoming a member of INCE-USA?

Membership benefits for all members (Student Associates, Associates, and Members):

  • Discounted registration rates for NOISE-CON Conferences
  • Free access to the INCE Digital Library, which includes over 20,000 papers from:
    • INCE-USA's professional academic journal, the Noise Control Engineering Journal (NCEJ)
    • NOISE-CON Conference and INTER-NOISE Congress Proceedings
    • Early issues of Noise/News International (NNI)
  • Online access to a complete directory of INCE Members, Associates, and Student Associates
  • Discounted course fees for INCE-USA training and certifications for Noise Control Engineering professionals
  • Discounted rate for the (optional) Open Access fee when publishing in the NCEJ
  • Eligibility to apply and/or be considered for INCE-USA Institutional and Student awards
  • The opportunity to participate in Technical Activities Committees that cover a wide range of noise control activities

Additional membership benefits for Members of INCE-USA:

  • The right to vote in matters of the Institute
  • Eligiblity to serve as an Officer or Director for INCE-USA
  • The ability to use the designation "INCE" in your formal title


Other Frequently Asked Membership Questions

How long does my membership last?

Membership is based on the calendar year, expiring on December 31.


Can I renew my membership online?

Yes. Login to your My INCE profile page. The option to renew is listed in the Members-Only Section.


When is the INCE-USA Membership renewal period?

Members and Associates receive renewal notices via email for the coming year's annual dues on a monthly basis from October 1 - December 1 of the current membership year.

Membership expires on December 31 of each year. If the dues are not paid as of the following April 1 of that calendar year, the Member or Associate is dropped from the active membership rolls.

Expired memberships can be renewed by contacting the INCE-USA Business Office to pay the current dues amount.


How do I reinstate a resigned membership?

In the event that a former INCE-USA Member has resigned and wishes to be reinstated after a lapse of one or more years, he or she must submit a written request, addressed to the INCE-USA Vice President of Membership, in care of the INCE-USA Membership Secretariat, containing all of his or her current INCE-USA contact information.


May I use “INCE-USA” following my name?

Duly elected Members of the Institute may use the letters “INCE” following their names in professional correspondence, on business cards, and in curriculum vitae. No other abbreviations are authorized.


Is there an INCE-USA New Member Handbook?

Yes. The INCE-USA New Member Handbook will answer many of your questions and give you many of the resources you need to take an active role. The Handbook was compiled by Eric Wood, a past President of INCE and the current President of the INCE Foundation.


Does INCE-USA have a Code of Ethics?

Yes. Click here to view the Canon of Ethics for INCE-USA.


Do I need to be an INCE-USA Member to vote at Board Meetings or serve as an Office or Director?

Yes, Member status is required to vote and to serve as an Officer or Director.


Do I need to be a resident of the United States of America in order to join INCE-USA?

No. Membership in INCE-USA is available to anyone regardless of country of residence.


Are Associates and Members different "classes" of membership in INCE-USA?

No. INCE-USA has a single class of membership: INCE-USA Member.

An INCE-USA Member must meet specific criteria in terms of educational/professional publications and/or experience. Associates and Student Associates are "associated" with the Institute, and are not considered Members of INCE-USA.

INCE-USA does have special designations, including Fellow of the Institute and Distinguished International Member, but these are recognitions of honor conferred by the INCE-USA Board of Directors and do not represent special or different classes of membership. Designees are not entitled to any special privileges within the Institute.


What is INCE Board Certification and how do I become Board Certified in Noise Control?

Board Certification in Noise Control is a professional certification which recognizes comprehensive professional expertise in Noise Control Engineering. As of February 2018, Board Certification is open to both Members and non-members of INCE-USA.

To learn more, visit the Board Certification webpage.


INCE-USA Membership Policy Statements

The following policy statements have been reprinted from the INCE President's Handbook.


One-Sum Lifetime Dues Payment

By paying the fixed amount of lifetime membership dues in one lump sum, any Member shall be entitled to lifetime membership in the Institute without paying any further annual membership dues.

POLICY: (1981 December 03; revised 1989 December 03; revised 1991 April 29)
The one-sum lifetime dues payment is an optional method for payment of dues for INCE Members. The one-sum payment is a multiple of the annual membership dues then authorized. The sum depends upon the age of the member, age being determined as of the end of the calendar year in which dues become payable. The age and rate structures for future lifetime dues payments are reviewed periodically for adjustments as needed. For an INCE Member whose age is less than 30, the multiple of annual dues is 16; for a Member whose age is between 30 and 39, the multiple of annual dues is 14; and for a Member whose age is between 40 and 59, the multiple of annual dues is 12. For Members aged 65 and over, the multiple of the annual dues is 6. For Members aged between 60 and 65, the following table applies:

[See Membership in INCE-USA webpage]

All one-sum lifetime dues payments will be retained in a separate account that will be known as the INCE Life Membership Fund. At the discretion of the Board of Directors, the income from the Fund may be withdrawn to pay for the Life Member's share of his member services, if this income is required. The fund shall be managed by the Treasurer under the guidance of the INCE Life Membership Fund Committee, which shall consist of the President, Immediate Past President, President-elect, Treasurer and Finance Committee Chairman. An accounting for the fund shall be submitted to the Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors for a review by the Board. An INCE Member who makes a one-sum lifetime dues payment will be known as an INCE Life Member.


Members Emeriti

INCE Members or Associates who are retired may, at their own request, become Members Emeriti or Associate Emeriti.

POLICY: (1980 January 19; revised 1989 December 03; revised 1991 April 29; revised 2004 January 25; revised 2015 February 7; revised 2016 June 12)
Emeritus status is available on request to any INCE-USA Member or Associate age 65 and over without regard to employment status. The INCE-USA Member Emeritus shall not be eligible to serve as an Officer or Director, but otherwise shall have all the other privileges of an INCE-USA Member. The INCE-USA Associate Emeritus shall have all the privileges of an INCE-USA Associate. Payment of annual dues is not required. During the yearly membership renewal cycle each Member Emeritus and Associate Emeritus will be sent a message of appreciation and requesting a voluntary donation to the INCE Foundation. All requests will be processed by the INCE-USA Business Office, which will inform the Vice President of Membership.


Resignation, Reinstatement, and Removal of Members

An INCE Member remains "in good standing" with the Institute as long as dues are paid for the current year. In the event of a change in job assignment, illness, or for some other reason, an INCE Member may wish to discontinue membership in the Institute. After a period of years, the former INCE Member may wish to be reinstated "in good standing" in the Institute. This policy statement describes the actions to be taken in the event of resignation, reinstatement, or removal of an INCE Member.

POLICY: (1980 January 19; revised 1989 December 03; revised 1991 April 29; revised 1994 May 01; reaffirmed 1997 January 19; revised 2002 February 24; revised 2016 January 31)

Resignation: If by nonpayment of dues, an INCE Member indicates the desire to discontinue membership, we encourage that person to submit a letter of resignation to the INCE Vice President for Membership. A copy of this Policy Statement may be sent to the resignee with the response from the INCE Vice President for Membership.

Reinstatement: In the event a former INCE Member has resigned, and wishes to be reinstated after a lapse of one or more years, he or she must submit a written request, addressed to the INCE Vice President-Membership in care of the INCE Membership Secretariat, containing all of his or her current INCE contact information.

Removal: Members and Associates receive renewal notices for their annual dues on a monthly basis starting in November preceding the calendar year of membership. If dues are not paid as of the following April 1 of that calendar year, the Member or Associate is dropped from the active membership rolls. Membership can be renewed by contacting the INCE Business Office to pay the current dues amount.

Sustaining Members

  • Acentech
  • CT
  • CGA
  • GERB
  • Herrick
  • Hush Soundproofing
  • Illingworth
  • NCE
  • SVI Dynamics Logo small
  • PSU
  • Seti Media
  • Wilson Ihrig