Date: Sunday, June 12th (morning and afternoon)
Time: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm ET (course), 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm ET (fundamentals exam)
Location: Online & In-Person
Cost: $100 with purchase of NC22 Registration; $200 without NC22 Registration
Description: The INCE Fundamentals Exam may be used in partial fulfillment of the requirements for INCE Membership. A review session will be conducted from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm ET to prepare for the exam which will be conducted in-person and online. The exam will then only be offered online beginning at 4:00 pm ET. Please note that when registering for this course, you will be asked to upload a digital photo.
If you are interested in taking the Fundamentals Exam without taking the Short Course you can do so at no charge by sending your request to ibo@inceusa.org – Please be sure to include your full name, address, email and contact phone number, and include Fundamentals Exam in the subject line.
Date: Sunday, June 12, 2022
Time: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM Eastern
Cost: $250
Description: Acoustic Design of mufflers is often required for diagnosis, design validation and quality control. Typically, design engineers require some basic theory, familiarization with the suitable terminology, and choice of instrumentation and testing configuration.
The Course: This course provides a brief overview of the low frequency behavior of mufflers including a description of the two-port theory. The course covers both the simulation of muffler system acoustics as well as the measurement of muffler 2-port data using the two-source location technique. The main focus is on exhaust mufflers for IC-engines but most of the information given is applicable to any pipe or duct system. In addition, the course will introduce 3D FEM analysis coupled to two-port modeling to extend the frequency range for larger mufflers. Two-port models can also be used to analyze duct networks in the high frequency range based on acoustic power flow; e.g. HVAC ducts. This is also treated in the course together with two-port models for analyzing pressure drop in duct systems. The course comprises lectures and hands-on software examples where all attendants will have the opportunity to actively participate in both the measurements and simulations.
Who Should Attend: Engineers, students and technical managers seeking a grounding in the principles of muffler design and an introduction to the use of muffler and silencer design software are ideal attendees. Companies that design, purchase, or manufacture muffler or silencer systems will benefit. A knowledge of basic acoustics will be assumed. Mathematics to engineering degree level is desirable but not essential.
Date: Sunday, June 12, 2022
Time: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM Eastern
Cost: $150
Description: This course will focus on the practical aspects of acoustical enclosure design.
Objectives: To answer key questions in the design of acoustical enclosures:
The Course: Attendees will learn the important design parameters related to the propagation of airborne sound through panels, ducts and holes as well as the propagation of structure-borne sound through solid components. They will also learn about the characteristics of materials that provide acoustical absorption, structural damping and additional mass.
Who Should Attend: Prior knowledge of acoustics, noise control and engineering units is helpful. Mathematical knowledge through engineering degree level is desirable but not essential. Those benefitting most from this course will be engineers and technicians whose responsibilities include enclosure design as well as those specifying and purchasing acoustical materials for application in their own products.
Daniel J. Kato is an acoustical consultant in San Jose, California. Previously he worked for over 25 years at Cummins Power Generation (formerly Onan Corp.) where his specialties were product sound quality and acoustic enclosure design. He holds a BS in mathematics and an MS in mechanical engineering from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. Mr. Kato is INCE Bd. Cert. and holds a PE license in the state of Minnesota.
Date: Sunday, June 12, 2022
Time: 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM Eastern
Cost: $150
Description: The half day short course provides an understanding of different acoustical materials that are used in vehicles (including passenger vehicles, heavy trucks, and off highway vehicles) and how they reduce the noise in vehicles. The course defines three different types of acoustical materials, explains their differences, discusses the factors that are critical for improving the performance of these materials, and discusses different test methods to evaluate the performance of them. This short course is an introductory course and designed to make participants familiar with acoustical materials from the application view point.
Attendees will learn:
Prior knowledge: A basic understanding of sound waves, pressure, power, intensity, decibel, frequency, acoustic instrumentation is recommended.
Pranab Saha is an entrepreneur, co-founder, and a Principal Consultant of Kolano and Saha Engineers, Inc., an independent professional engineering and consulting company in acoustics, noise, and vibration. A well-known authority on automotive noise, body interior systems, and sound package materials, Dr. Saha has directed and participated nationally and internationally in numerous advanced noise control engineering programs and training seminars for various OEM companies and their suppliers in three different continents. He has written a book on Acoustical Materials – Solving the Challenge of Vehicle Noise and also a document on how to write an SAE technical paper. He is an active member of SAE International, ESD, INCE-USA, NSPE/MSPE, and the past contributing editor of Sound and Vibration magazine. Dr. Saha received the 2021 SAE International Medal of Honor as well as the 2021 SAE International Ralph K. Hillquist NVH Lifetime Achievement Award. He is an INCE-USA Board Certified Member, a Fellow Member of SAE International and ESD, and has been named an SAE Master Instructor.